Australia Guide: Sydney

 Sydney is a major city on Australia’s east coast, offering a diverse range of surf spots. From iconic beaches to hidden coves, Sydney’s surf scene is vibrant and varied. The three major surf breaks within this bustling city are Bondi Beach, Manly Beach, and Coogee. Bondi is one of Australia’s most famous beaches, offering consistent waves for all surfers if you can manage the giant crowd. It is recommended to get in the water as early as possible, due to the immense amount of surfers crowding one main peak. It is recommended to bring a short board or mid-length to maximize the experience in this surf spot. Manly Beach is another popular spot, being a ferry ride away from Bondi, and excelling in mediocre right-handers. There are different peaks all along the beach thinning the crowd and making it a bit more manageable. Coogee is an ideal spot for beginners with generally smaller sized waves.  Each spot has minimal parking, creating difficult situations on more crowded days. It is highly recommended to surf these breaks early in the morning to avoid the crowds. Sydney is a beautiful city, giving people many opportunities for exploration and an exciting surf experience.


Australia Guide: Gold Coast


Australia guide: Byron Bay